Intellectual Property Best Practices Benchmark Studies
Best Practices Benchmarking®
The intellectual property benchmark studies below are part of ipPerformance’s best practices research. They enable companies to assess peer companies for strategy, organization structure, processes, practices, performance metrics, costs, and software systems.
Benefits of Participating:
By participating in one of the following surveys, you will receive the following:
- Free copy of the summary results
- Significant discounts on the detailed reports, including industry and custom analysis (40% or more off the list price)
- One-on-one support to interpret survey results
Active Intellectual Property Benchmark Surveys
Intellectual Property Intelligence Practices
Learn how your peer companies capture inventions.
- Most popular IP intelligence systems and valued features
- User satisfaction and most/least valuable IP intelligence system capabilities
- Effective IP intelligence analysis reports for management
- Effective AI-enabled patent search solutions
- Prevalent IP intelligence objectives and activities
- How companies use 3rd party services to conduct IP intelligence
>> Start Intellectual Property Intelligence Survey
Invention Harvesting and Invention Disclosure Practices
Learn how your peer companies capture inventions.
- Invention capture and pre-invention submission activities
- Invention workshops and brainstorming sessions
>> Start Invention Harvesting and Invention Disclosure Survey
Intellectual Property Training Programs
Learn how your peer companies conduct and manage workforce training.
- IP training topics
- Delivery methods used to train
- Strategies for improving course participation
- Training promotions
- Functions responsible for training
- Measuring the effectiveness of training
>> Start IP Training Program Survey
Intellectual Asset Management Practices Diagnostic
The Intellectual Asset Management, Practices Diagnostic, provides IP, R&D, and business leaders with a scorecard assessment that leaders can review within your company.
>> Start Your Intellectual Asset Management Practices Assessment Now!