Microlearning Courses
Engaging Intellectual Property with short bite-size training courses
Intellectual Property Microlearning Courses
Most employees have limited time to get the necessary intellectual property awareness training. There are circumstances that employees need a quick refresher, and microlearning courses are a great solution. ipPerformance covers a wide range of intellectual property topics in microlearning courses.
More than 75 Microlearning intellectual property courses are available to meet your company’s specific needs. The microlearning courses are bite-sized, relevant, and focused training. This flexible approach to training is designed for learners who need to understand an intellectual property concept or activity in a concise lesson. These courses may also be used as a lesson refresher. Most lessons are covered in less than seven minutes to give a burst of knowledge on specific IP topics.
ipPerformance Microlearning courses are short and engaging, designed to cover a relevant topic or scenario effectively. These courses are available in several formats, enabling employees to easily watch or listen to the course at a convenient time. ipPerformance Microlearning courses are only 2-3 minutes. The relevant topics cover a range of intellectual property concepts, procedures, policies, and practices. Many include intellectual property misconceptions and myths to head off employee concerns. Answers to the common IP-related questions that IP legal departments’ attorneys and staff spend answering are conveyed.
These intellectual property bite-size courses are available in several formats, including podcast-mp3, video, and for learning management system deployment. Below is a short list of the over 200 courses available.
Invention Harvesting and Reviews
What Happens After Your Invention Disclosure is Submitted to Patent Department
Completing an Invention Disclosure Form
Necessary Preparations for Completing an Invention Disclosure
What Happens at the Invention Review Committee Meetings
Patent Search, Infringement, and Freedom to Operate
Conducting Prior Art
Dominant Patent and Infringement
Freedom to Operate and Product Clearance
Trade Secret
Handling Confidential Proprietary Information
What is the Trade Secrets Act
Trade Secret Cornerstones
Examples of Potential Trade Secrets
Famous Trade Secrets
What’s a Trade Secret?
Advantages of a Trade Secret
How Is Trade Secret Protection Lost?
Are There Methods to Protect Trade Secrets?
Safeguards to Prevent Misappropriation
Trade Secret Classifications
Handling Proprietary Information
What is Technical Know-How
Factors and Considerations for Early Disclosure of Your Invention
Patent versus Trade Secret Protection
Prosecuting a Patent
Publication after Filing Patent Application
Requirements for Patentability
How are Inventions Evaluated for Patenting
Patent Fundamentals
Basic Patentability Requirements
Patent Protection – Who, When, Where, and Length of Time
Why are Patents Valuable
Patenting Steps and Activities
Patent Protection Features
Explaining Design Patents
Patent Process
Patentability Test
Prosecution Period
How to submit your ideas
Invention and Inventorship
Necessary Preparations for an Invention Disclosure
Patentability Requirements
Assessing Patentability with Seven Questions
Intellectual Asset Management Team Meeting
Patent Process Timeline
Major Stages of Patenting
What Happens in the Pre-Filing Period
What Happens in Post Issuance Period
What is Copyright?
Who Creates Copyrightable Material?
Copyright Legal Protection Factors
Rights of the Copyright Holder
What Does Copyright Protect?
Copyright Principle: Fair Use
Four Factor Fair Use Test
What is Copyright Parody
Joint Works
Works Made for Hire
Company Copyright Policy
Copyright Notice Examples
Copyright Disputes
Derivative Works
Famous and Valuable Brands Value
Trademark Protection Features
Two Common Trademark Errors
Types of Corporate Identity Trademarks
Why is a Trademark Important
Trademark Policies – What to Do
Trademark Policies – What Not to Do
Cooperative Relationships
Outside Cooperative Development Programs
Using Technology-Related Agreements
Invention Publication
Using Defensive Publication
Business and Intellectual Property
Understanding Overlapping Intellectual Property Rights
Understanding the Importance of Intellectual Property in a Business’s Value Chain
Additional Value of Owning Intellectual Property
Where Does Innovation Come From – Inside and Outside the Company
Intellectual Property Operations
The Patent Department – What do they do
Document Creation and Handling
Building an IP-driven culture, Training that builds and maintains a knowledgeable workforce.
Create a culture of continuous, engaging, and relevant intellectual property knowledge.
Online intellectual property training for your workforce.
Develop skills within your organization to ensure intellectual property knowledgeable workforce with an engaging IP Training Program.
Learn how we provide best practices training that is relevant and effective.