Intellectual Property Training for Business Leaders and Managers
Intellectual Property Training for Business Leaders and Managers teaches how intellectual property can be used strategically to drive business growth and competitive advantage.
Intellectual Property for Marketing Advantage
This course looks at the role patents and other IP protection can (and do) play in the marketplace, from giving exclusivity to being excluded. It introduces marketing and sales associates to the differences in various types of IP, how they can be used, geographic limitations, and damage issues.
Intellectual Property and Agreements
This 15-minute course will provide R&D employees with an overview of patents, structure, and critical characteristics of sections of the patent. Additionally, employees will learn what to look for when reviewing the company’s or competitors’ patents.
Valuing Intellectual Property: Need and Benefits
Provides learners with a general overview of valuations and the importance of valuing intellectual assets. We discuss the valuation approaches when you would conduct a valuation and their benefits.
Intellectual Property and Joint Ventures
A comprehensive review of what joint venture agreements are, key areas of concern, and how to proceed. Touches the fundamentals through risk assessment and includes a chart showing the various relationships within a joint venture.
Business Importance of Intellectual Property
The Business Importance Intellectual Property training course is designed to give technology personnel a basic understanding of intellectual property, its protection, why these assets are essential to this business, and what is expected of all personnel.
This course aims to clarify the different types of intellectual property/intangible assets the company creates so that all employees will understand the importance of handling and protecting them.
Obtaining a Patent: Why, Where, When
The Obtaining a Patent course reviews the key factors inventors should understand before pursuing a patent. Employees will learn the alternatives to patenting an invention, how the invention is defined by the patent claims articulated in a patent application, business considerations for protection, and jurisdictions to file for protection.
Learn how we provide intellectual property training that is relevant and effective.